How to Air Dry Hair Overnight? (Step by Step Guide)

Air Dry Hair Overnight

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Do you know that you can dry your hair overnight without any hot styling tool?

How do you ask?

I will show you easy ways to air dry your hair overnight. Follow this easy tutorial.

Method 1: How to Air Dry Normal Hair?

Towel Dry Your Hair

You can’t go to bed with your hair soaking wet so use a towel to dry it off gently. I prefer to use a towel to squeeze the water from my strands because rubbing the towel too hard will cause the hair to frizz.

You can use a towel to absorb moisture from the parts of your hair that are still wet.

Apply Hair Products

First, ensure that the hair products you intend to use suit your hair type. If your hair frizzes easily, you can apply a leave-in conditioner in addition to your lightweight hair spray to reduce the frizz and make the hair more manageable.

Related: How to Take Care of Rebonded Hair

Tie Up Your Hair

Use a hair tie or band to pack your hair up in a bun to prevent it from getting tangled while you sleep. The thicker your hair is, the more buns you will need to speed up the air-drying process.

Wrap Your Hair

Use a soft anti-static towel to wrap your hair up before going to bed so that your hair doesn’t frizz. The towel also creates a barrier between your hair and your pillow so that friction doesn’t you’re your hair to break.

You can use a hair clip to hold the towel in place or make a top knot.

Style Your Hair

Congrats, you are almost done air drying your hair. The final step is to take off the towel and hair ties or bands in the morning and fluff your hair with your fingers. This helps to give your hair a more natural look.

Related: How To Get Super Straight Sleek Hair

Method 2: How to Air Dry Wavy Hair?

If your hair is wavy, you may feel the need to straighten it often.

But what if I tell you there is an easier way to style your hair without using heat?

I caught your attention, didn’t I?

So I won’t take much of your time. Here is how to air dry wavy hair overnight.

Shampoo and Condition Your Hair

You can’t style dirty hair, so take your time and wash your hair thoroughly with a sulfate-free shampoo.

Then, follow up your hair prep by conditioning your strands to nourish them from the inside out.

I prefer to use hydrating conditioners to moisturize my hair before air-drying it.


After conditioning your hair, detangle it with your fingers. I prefer finger detangling because it is gentler on your hair and more efficient for breaking down the clumps and knots in your hair.

If you choose to use a comb to detangle, make sure it is a wide-tooth comb so that you don’t end up with limp waves.

Related: Hair Straightening Vs Hair Smoothing: Differences, Side Effects, and Maintenance Tips

Apply Air Dry Cream

Define your natural curls and eliminate frizz with an air-dry cream. If you like, you can add mousse to your hair to get even more definition.

The combination of air dry cream and mousse gives you softer and longer-lasting waves.

Plop Your Hair

After applying the styling products:

  • Wrap a microfiber towel around your hair.
  • Plop your hair with a towel so that it absorbs the excess water on your hair. Remember, plop the hair; don’t squeeze or rub it with a towel; if not, you will end up with frizzy hair.
  • Hold the towel in place with clips and leave it on for the night. Continue with your usual bedtime routine.

Morning After

By morning, your hair would have air-dried, so you can take off the towel and spritz hairspray to hold the waves in place.

Method 3: How to Air Dry Curling Hair?

You’ve learned how to air dry wavy hair, now let’s move on to curly hair. Follow these steps to air dry your hair without getting frizzy or stiff curls.

Wash Your Hair With Mild Shampoo

Some shampoos strip your hair of the much-needed moisture and leave it looking limp and dry.

Usually, these harsh shampoos contain sulfate, so check the ingredient list of your shampoo to ensure it is sulfate-free.

After washing your hair, condition it and finger detangle it so that you don’t end up with knots all over your hair.

Apply a Medium Weight Gel

You don’t want to overladen your hair with heavy styling products, so make sure the gel you apply is medium weight. The moisture in your hair will help the product penetrate faster.

To get more curl definition, rub the products between your palms, cup your curls and squeeze the hair towards your roots just like you would squeeze a stress ball.

Towel Dry

Scrunch up your hair again with a microfiber towel or cotton t-shirt to get rid of the excess water. Next, pack your hair in a bun and secure it with metal clips to add more volume to your curls and help hasten the drying process.

Wrap Your Hair with a Towel

I always advise that you wrap your hair up with a lint-free towel before going to bed at night to prevent your pillow from getting wet and your hair from frizzing.

Then, you can remove the towel and run your hands gently through the curls to give the hair a more natural look in the morning.


Spritz your hair with hairspray for extra hold. For more volume, you can try out a volumizing hair spray; trust me, it works wonders.


Air drying your hair overnight is a perfect solution for ladies that are too busy to blow dry their hair. It saves time and allows you to rock your natural curls with no fear of heat damage.

Whether your hair is curly, wavy, or in rings, you will find an air-drying method that works for you in this article.

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