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Bringing a new life into the world is a beautiful and transformative experience, but it often comes with some unexpected changes, including post-pregnancy hair loss. If you’re wondering how to prevent hair loss after pregnancy, you’re not alone. Many new mothers grapple with this issue. However, fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore 5 effective strategies to help you maintain your luscious locks and regain your confidence. Say goodbye to post-pregnancy hair woes!
Post-pregnancy hair loss, also known as postpartum alopecia, is a common phenomenon that occurs in the months following childbirth. It happens due to hormonal fluctuations and can be distressing for new mothers.
During pregnancy, elevated hormone levels can lead to thicker and fuller hair. However, once your baby arrives and your hormones start to return to normal, you may experience hair shedding. This can be alarming, but it’s a temporary phase.
Before we look at the reasons why hair loss occurs after pregnancy, let us first look at the process and the different phases of hair growth. Your hair goes through two phases, namely growth and resting phases.
The growth phase, also known as the anagen phase takes about three years and this is the period when your hair is noticeably growing in length and thickness.
On the other hand, the resting phase also known as telogen takes roughly three months and this is when your hair stops growing. During this phase, your hair remains in the follicle then pushed out immediately after the resting phase comes to an end.
Childbirth makes a large percentage of your hair stay in the resting phase. Immediately after this phase, there is usually shedding hair to make way for new hair growth. This means a lot of hair is visibly lost after childbirth.
Pregnancy causes a hike in estrogen levels that encourage the growth of hair. You are most likely to notice your hair is longer and thicker than ever. However, after childbirth, the oestrogen levels drop making you shed your full hair.
Hair loss after Pregnancy is normal and temporary and it should not alarm you. Your hair should be able to come back to normal growth after around three to six months of childbirth.
However, if you continue to lose your hair even when your baby is already a year old, then it is good that you seek advice from your doctor. There are conditions like the one caused by low thyroid hormone levels or the case of anaemia that can cause hair loss.
How To Prevent Hair Loss after Pregnancy?
There are recommended and proven ways that you can use to help you Prevent Hair Loss after Pregnancy. Here are 5 ways that will help you prevent excess hair from falling out after Pregnancy:
#1. Use A Texturizer
Texturizers are known to leave the curls on your hair smooth without straightening it completely. Using a texturizer would make your hair appear fuller compared to straightened hair. So, if you want your hair to look fuller even after losing some of it, then you are better off using a texturizer.
#2. Avoid Tight Hair Styles
After childbirth, you would want to avoid anything that would exacerbate the loss of your hair. Pulling back your hair into a knot would strain your hair from both the ends and the roots, making you lose a lot of hair. Be gentle on your hair by avoiding this completely. Just comb your hair and leave it hanging loose. But if you feel like you need to put your hair together, loosen the knot a bit.

Style your hair at the front ends in such a way that it is left loose from the knot. The hair usually breaks more at the front compared to the rest of the scalp. Avoid any kind of hairstyle that would put a lot of pressure on your hair. The other thing to remember while styling your hair is to use soft brushes and combs. Do not use combs or brushes with rough surfaces or bristles as they might hold onto your hair strands and break them in the process. Wide-toothed combs would be great.
#3. Manage Your Stress Levels
When you have to balance attending to your crying little baby and taking enough rest, your stress levels can go up. Increased stress levels are known to lead to conditions like alopecia or telogen effluvium that force your hair to be shed suddenly. Coupled with the hormonal imbalance brought about by childbirth, stress can lead to massive loss of hair. Make sure you manage your stress levels by resting whenever you can while taking care of your baby’s needs. This will help protect your hair from shedding off.
#4. Use A Volumizing Shampoo
Volumizing shampoos are known to coat your hair follicles making your hair appear thick and fuller. You must be careful in choosing the right shampoo for your hair. Avoid conditioning shampoos because that is not what you require at this point as they tend to weigh your hair down.
#5. Observe A Healthy Diet And Use Hair Supplements
A diet rich in vitamins, proteins, zinc, and iron would go a long way in minimizing Hair loss after Pregnancy. Foods, fruits, and nuts that are rich in proteins, Vitamin B complex, and Vitamin C promote hair growth and restore lost hair.
Examples of these types of foods are legumes, flax seeds, oranges, buttermilk, soya, nuts, green vegetables, and whole grains. Applying a mask of egg white mixed with honey and olive oil also protects your hair from falling. Massage the mixture on your hair and scalp and leave it for about 30 minutes, then wash it off using lukewarm water.
For conditioning, hair growth and shiny hair, this wonderful combination would be a perfect plan for treating your hair and preventing further loss. And for the purpose of cleaning your hair, use hair products with supplements. Treatments and shampoos that contain Biotin are good for your hair.
Biotin is rich in Vitamin H and it helps in the synthesis of hair keratin, a protein found in hair. Vitamin H is responsible for preventing hair loss.
Question And Answer (Q&A)
1. Why Does Hair Loss Occur After Pregnancy?
Hair loss after pregnancy is a common condition that occurs due to hormonal changes. During pregnancy, estrogen levels in the body rise, which leads to the growth of thick and healthy hair. However, after giving birth, estrogen levels decrease rapidly, causing hair to fall out.
2. When Does Postpartum Hair Loss Start And How Long Does It Last?
Postpartum hair loss typically begins two to four months after delivery and can last up to a year. The hair loss is usually more noticeable in the shower or when brushing hair.
3. What Can I Do To Prevent Hair Loss After Pregnancy?
To prevent hair loss after pregnancy, it’s essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This includes eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, staying hydrated, and getting enough sleep. Additionally, avoiding harsh hair treatments and styles that pull the hair tightly can also help prevent hair loss.
4. Can Supplements Help Prevent Postpartum Hair Loss?
Yes, taking supplements can help prevent postpartum hair loss. Supplements like biotin, zinc, and iron can help improve hair health and promote growth. However, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider before taking any supplements to ensure they’re safe and effective for you.
5. Is Postpartum Hair Loss Permanent?
No, postpartum hair loss is not permanent. It’s a temporary condition that resolves on its own within a year after giving birth. In the meantime, taking good care of your hair and scalp can help promote healthy hair growth and minimize hair loss.
Experiencing hair loss after pregnancy can be challenging, but it’s important to remember that it’s a common and temporary issue. By following these 5 effective ways, you can minimize the impact and support your hair’s natural growth cycle. Embrace this beautiful phase of motherhood, and with a little patience and care, your luscious locks will return.