What are the Key Differences Between Thick and Thin Hair?

Differences Between Thick and Thin Hair

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Have you ever wondered if your hair is thick or thin?

This article provides the key differences between thick and thin hair and tests to help you analyze your strands. Keep reading to find out.

Thick Hair Vs. Thin Hair: Key Differences

Differences between Thick And Thin Hair

Hair thickness is often confused with hair density. However, it refers to the width of the individual strands, not the number of strands on your head.

If the thickness of your hair is less than the width of a strand of thread, then your hair is thin.

The following section gives the differences between thick and thin hair. Let’s look at them in sections.

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In terms of appearance, thick hair has visible stands. These strands have an average diameter of 120 microns and are coarse to touch.

The opposite is the case for thin hair – the strands are barely visible, have a diameter of 50 microns, and have a smooth texture and feel.

Hair Width

As you know, the thickness or thinness of your hair refers to the width of the individual strands. Therefore, thick hair has strands with large circumference and appears coarse.

If your strands have a small circumference and are difficult to see under light, then you have thin hair.

Hair Density

Thick hair has a circumference of at least 2 inches. To measure the density of your hair, tie it up in a ponytail and measure the circumference. As you can guess, thin hair has a circumference of less than 2 inches.

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Hair Follicles

The size of your follicles has a direct bearing on the density and texture of your hair. If you have large follicles that are densely packed on your scalp, then your hair is thick.

Thin hair has fewer follicles per square inch of the scalp. For clarification, hair follicles are little pockets on your scalp that give rise to your roots.

Thick Hair Vs Thin Hair

Thick Hair Vs Thin Hair

CharacteristicsThick HairThin Hair
AppearanceCoarse strands that can be seen clearly in the lightFine strands that are barely visible in the light
Diameter120 microns50 microns
Ponytail CircumferenceMore than 2 inchesLess than 2 inches
FolliclesLarge and densely packed on the scalpSmall and sparsely distributed

How Can You Measure Your Hair Thickness?

There are two ways you can analyze the thickness of your strands at home. They are:

Strand Test

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For this method, pluck a strand of your hair and hold it between your thumb and index finger. If you cannot feel the strand, then your hair is thin. If you can feel the grainy strand, then you have thick hair.

Thread Test

Pluck a strand of your hair and place it beside a strand of thread. If your hair is slimmer than the thread, it is thin. If it is fatter than the thread, then you have thick hair.


Most people are at a loss on whether they have thick or thin hair. The critical differences highlighted in this article will help you determine whether your hair is thick or thin.

Remember, the thickness or thinness of your hair is not the same as its density or how full your hair is.


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